Volledige Werken. Deel 12. Brieven en dokumenten uit de jaren 1867-1868



Het jaar 1867

Brieven en dokumenten

[2 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (I)]

[3 januari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[8 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (II)]

[9 januari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[9 januari 1867 Advertentie Handelsblad]

[9 januari 1867 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[10 januari 1867 Bericht in het Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel]

[10 januari 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Multatuli]

[10 januari 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Lebègue]

[11 januari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[15 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (III)]

[16 januari 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Multatuli]

[17 januari 1867 Bericht in het Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel]

[18 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (IV)]

[20 januari 1867 Uitnodiging van De Geyter aan Multatuli]

[23 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (V)]

[24 januari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[26 januari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[28 januari 1867 Brief van Baron van Dedem aan Van Vloten]

[29 januari 1867 Van den Rijn (VI)]

[3 februari 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[5 februari 1867 Van den Rijn (VII)]

[8 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[8 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[8 februari 1867 Van den Rijn (VIII)]

[11 februari 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Van Gelder Zonen]

[12 februari 1867 Van den Rijn (IX)]

[12 februari 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Van Bommel]

[13 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Ris]

[15 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[19 februari 1867 Van den Rijn (X)]

[20 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[22 februari 1867 Brief van Kallenberg vd Bosch aan Potgieter]

[23 februari 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[25 februari 1867 Van den Rijn (XI)]

[25 februari 1867 Circulaire voordracht te Antwerpen]

[25 februari 1867 Aankondiging in Le Précurseur]

[27 februari 1867 Aankondiging in Het Handelsblad]

[27 februari 1867 Aankondiging in De Koophandel]

[27 februari 1867 Bericht in Le Précurseur]

[27 februari 1867 Ingezonden Stuk in de Sneeker Courant]

[28 februari 1867 Brief van A. de Vos aan Multatuli]

[28 februari 1867 Voordracht van Multatuli te Antwerpen]

[28 februari 1867 Bericht in het Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel]

[28 februari 1867 Verslag in de De Koophandel]

[2 maart 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Vos]

[2 maart 1867 Artikel in De Vlinder]

[2 maart 1867 Tweede voordracht van Multatuli in Antwerpen]

[2 maart 1867 Ingezonden stuk in de Sneeker Courant]

[3 maart 1867 Mededeling over Multatuli's voordrachten]

[4 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XII)]

[6 maart 1867 Ingezonden stuk in de Sneeker Courant]

[7 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XIII)]

[9 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XIV)]

[9 maart 1867 Ingezonden stuk in de Sneeker Courant]

[12 maart 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[12 maart 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Van Helden]

[13 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XV)]

[14 maart 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[16 maart 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[16 maart 1867 Rond den Heerd over Multatuli]

[17 maart 1867 Artikel in De Vooruitgang]

[20 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XVI)]

[21 maart 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[22 maart 1867 Bericht over derde voordracht]

[23 maart 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Van Vloten]

[24 maart 1867 Derde voordracht van Multatuli in Antwerpen]

[25 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XVII)]

[26 maart 1867 Van den Rijn (XVIII)]

[28 maart 1867 Multatuli naar Kinderdijk]

[31 maart 1867 Multatuli keert terug naar Keulen]

[1 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[3 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XIX)]

[4 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XX)]

[4 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Flemmich]

[4 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Flemmich]

[5 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[5 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXI)]

[6 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan mevrouw Flemmich]

[7 april 1867 Kritiek op Multatuli's derde voordracht]

[8 april 1867 Brief van Kallenberg vd Bosch aan Potgieter]

[Bijlage Kopie van brief aan Multatuli, november 1866]

[april 1867 Nederland publiceert Huets beoordeling]

[9 april 1867 Mededeling postbeambte]

[9 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[10 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXII)]

[11 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[12 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Flemmich]

[14 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan mevrouw Flemmich]

[17 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXIII)]

[20 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXIV)]

[23 april 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[24 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXV)]

[26 april 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[28 april 1867 Artikel over Multatuli in Het Vrije Woord]

[30 april 1867 Van den Rijn (XXVI)]

[1 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXVII)]

[2 mei 1867 Brief van De Vos aan Multatuli]

[6 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXVIII)]

[7 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXIX)]

[11 mei 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[11 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXX)]

[14 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXI)]

[16 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXII)]

[17 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXIII)]

[21 mei 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[22 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXIV)]

[27 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXV)]

[28 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXVI)]

[29 mei 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXVII)]

[31 mei 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[1 juni 1867 Artikel in The North British Review]

[3 juni 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXVIII)]

[6 juni 1867 Brief van Rooses aan De Geyter]

[7 juni 1867 Brief van J. van Lennep aan Multatuli]

[8 juni 1867 Van den Rijn (XXXIX)]

[10 juni 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Van Lennep]

[14 juni 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[14 juni 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[14 juni 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[17 juni 1867 Van den Rijn (XL)]

[21 juni 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[22 juni 1867 Van den Rijn (XLI)]

[22 juni 1867 Brief van Rooses aan Multatuli]

[24 juni 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Van Hall]

[25 juni 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Koorn]

[28 juni 1867 Van den Rijn (XLII)]

[1 juli 1867 Van Vloten krijgt ontslag als hoogleraar]

[4 juli 1867 Van den Rijn (XLIII)]

[5 juli 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[6 juli 1867 Brief van Rooses aan De Geyter]

[10 juli 1867 Van den Rijn (XLIV)]

[22 juli 1867 Van den Rijn (XLV)]

[26 juli 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[27 juli 1867 Van den Rijn (XLVI)]

[29 juli 1867 Van den Rijn (XLVII)]

[29 juli 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Scheurleer]

[1 augustus 1867 Artikel in de Revue Britannique]

[2 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[2 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[2 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Van Lennep]

[2 augustus 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[2 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (XLVIII)]

[3 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (XLIX)]

[9 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (L)]

[10 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LI)]

[11 augustus 1867 Brief van J. van Lennep aan Multatuli]

[12 augustus 1867 Rondschrijven Van Crombrugghe's Genootschap]

[13 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LII)]

[14 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[14 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LIII)]

[14 augustus 1867 Programma van de feesten in Gent]

[17 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[17 augustus 1867 Aankondiging letterkundig feest]

[17 augustus 1867 Artikel in Het Volksbelang]

[19 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[19 augustus 1867 Programma feestavond]

[20 augustus 1867 Toespraak van Multatuli in het congres]

[20 augustus 1867 Verslag van Multatuli's toespraak]

[20 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LIV)]

[20 augustus 1867 Bericht in de Beurzencourant]

[21 augustus 1867 Multatuli op de derde Algemene Zitting]

[21 augustus 1867 Multatuli verdedigt De Geyter]

[21 augustus 1867 Multatuli aan het banket]

[21 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LV)]

[21 augustus 1867 Ingezonden brief van Rolin-Jaequemyns]

[21 augustus 1867 Verslag in Le commerce de Gand]

[21 augustus 1867 Bericht in Le Bien Public]

[21 augustus 1867 Bericht in Het Vlaemsche Land]

[22 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[22 augustus 1867 Verslag in de Gentsche Mercurius]

[22 augustus 1867 Artikel in Le Bien Public]

[23 augustus 1867 Bericht in de Beurzencourant]

[24 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[24 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[24 augustus 1867 Artikel in de Beurzencourant]

[24 augustus 1867 Artikel in Le Bien Public]

[26 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[26 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Vreede]

[26 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Te Winkel]

[27 augustus 1867 Brief van Vreede aan Multatuli]

[27 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LVI)]

[27 augustus 1867 Ingezonden brief van Rolin-Jaequemyns]

[27 augustus 1867 Bericht Utrechtsch Dagblad]

[28 augustus 1867 Van den Rijn (LVII)]

[28 augustus 1867 Bericht Utrechtsch Dagblad]

[30 augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[31 augustus 1867 Hoofdartikel in Het Volksbelang]

[augustus 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[3 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LVIII)]

[10 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LIX)]

[10 september 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Koning]

[13 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LX)]

[september 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan redactie Handelingen]

[17 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LXI)]

[19 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LXII)]

[20 september 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[23 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LXIII)]

[24 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LXIV)]

[26 september 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[28 september 1867 Van den Rijn (LXV)]

[2 oktober 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[3 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXVI)]

[4 oktober 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[8 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXVII)]

[10 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXVIII)]

[12 oktober 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rooses]

[14 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXIX)]

[14 oktober 1867 Brief van Kallenberg vd Bosch aan Potgieter]

[16 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXX)]

[17 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXI)]

[19 oktober 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[19 oktober 1867 Bericht Sneeker Courant]

[23 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXII)]

[24 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXIII)]

[29 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXIV)]

[30 oktober 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXV)]

[1 november 1867 De Revue moderne publiceert Max Havelaar]

[5 november 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXVI)]

[8 november 1867 Brief van d'Ablaing aan De Mol van Otterloo]

[12 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[12 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[12 november 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXVII)]

[14 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[18 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[18 november 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXVIII)]

[19 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[21 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan De Geyter]

[22 november 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXIX)]

[23 november 1867 Feuilleton van H. de Pène]

[27 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Rochussen]

[28 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[29 november 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXX)]

[30 november 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[3 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXI)]

[6 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[7 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[7 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXII)]

[10 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXIII)]

[12 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXIV)]

[13 december 1867 Rekest van Multatuli aan de Koning]

[13 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXV)]

[14 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[15 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[15 december 1867 Huet schrijft een voorbericht]

[18 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[Bijlage De verkladde blaadjes]

[Bijlage Mededeling van C.Th. van Deventer]

[18 december 1867 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[19 december 1867 De Minister van Justitie schrijft de Proc. Gen.]

[20 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXVI)]

[21 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[23 december 1867 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[24 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[24 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[24 december 1867 President Rechtbank schrijft Off. v. Justitie]

[27 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXVII)]

[30 december 1867 Advies van de Officier van Justitie inzake rekest]

[31 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[31 december 1867 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[31 december 1867 Van den Rijn (LXXXVII)]

Het voorjaar van 1868

Brieven en dokumenten

[1 januari 1868 De Revue moderne publiceert Max Havelaar]

[3 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[3 januari 1868 Besluit tot Kamerontbinding]

[4 januari 1868 Wintgens minister van Justitie]

[7 januari 1868 Rappel van de Minister van Justitie]

[8 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[8 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (I)]

[8 januari 1868 Advies van de Rechtbank te Amsterdam]

[9 januari 1868 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[9 januari 1868 Rapport van de Procureur-generaal]

[10 januari 1868 Rapport van de Minister van Justitie]

[11 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (II)]

[11 januari 1868 Besluit van de koning inzake gratie]

[11 januari 1868 Bericht aan de Procureur-generaal]

[12 januari 1868 Brief van Nahuijs aan d'Ablaing]

[13 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[14 januari 1868 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Nahuijs]

[16 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[16 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (III)]

[17 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (IV)]

[18 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[18 januari 1868 Brief van Nahuijs aan d'Ablaing]

[18 januari 1868 Brief van Nahuijs aan d'Ablaing]

[19 januari 1868 Brief van d'Ablaing aan Nahuijs]

[21 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[22 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[22 januari 1868 Verkiezingen Tweede Kamer]

[24 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (V)]

[25 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[25 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (VI)]

[25 januari 1868 Brief van Tine aan Stéphanie]

[29 januari 1868 Van den Rijn (VII)]

[30 januari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[1 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (VIII)]

[februari 1868 De Engelse vertaling van de M.H. verschijnt]

[4 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (IX)]

[6 februari 1868 Brief van Tine aan Stéphanie]

[8 februari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[8 februari 1868 Brief van Rochussen aan Multatuli]

[10 februari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Rochussen]

[10 februari 1868 Beoordeling in de Daily News]

[12 februari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[12 februari 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[14 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (X)]

[14 februari 1868 Beoordeling in de Evening Star]

[15 februari 1868 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[17 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (XI)]

[19 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (XII)]

[20 februari 1868 Brief van Kallenberg vd Bosch aan Potgieter]

[25 februari 1868 Van den Rijn (XIII)]

[3 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[3 maart 1868 Multatuli gaat naar Den Haag]

[4 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[4 maart 1868 Van den Rijn (XIV)]

[6 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[7 maart 1868 Artikel van Nahuijs in de Ned. Spectator]

[9 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Rochussen]

[9 maart 1868 Brief van Rochussen aan Van Zuylen]

[10 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[10 maart 1868 Brief van Tine aan Stéphanie]

[11 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[12 maart 1868 Koninklijk besluit inzake opdracht Huet]

[13 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[14 maart 1868 Artikel in de Sneeker Courant]

[16 maart 1868 Artikel in de Friesche Courant]

[16 maart 1868 Brief van Tine aan Potgieter]

[18 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Hasselman]

[19 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[22 maart 1868 Brief van De Geyter aan d'Ablaing]

[23 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[23 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Hasselman]

[23 maart 1868 Artikel in de Friesche Courant]

[24 maart 1868 Van den Rijn (XV)]

[26 maart 1868 Onderhoud met Hasselman]

[26 maart 1868 Artikel in de Friesche Courant]

[27 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Hasselman]

[28 maart 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[29 maart 1868 Voordracht van Multatuli in Utrecht]

[31 maart 1868 Bericht over Multatuli's voordracht]

[31 maart 1868 Van den Rijn (XVI)]

[1 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[1 april 1868 Beoordeling in The British Quaterly Review]

[1 april 1868 Beoordeling in The Westminster Review]

[1 april 1868 Beoordeling in The Contemporary Review]

[3 april 1868 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[3 april 1868 Tine int een wissel]

[5 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[5 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[6 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Hasselman]

[6 april 1868 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[11 april 1868 Het zwarte boek I in de Sneeker Courant]

[15 april 1868 Het zwarte boek II]

[april 1868 Opinions of the Press]

[17 april 1868 Van den Rijn (XVII)]

[17 april 1868 Brief van Huet aan Multatuli]

[18 april 1868 Het zwarte boek III in de Sneeker Courant]

[19 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Huet]

[21 april 1868 Van den Rijn (XVIII)]

[22 april 1868 Brief van Multatuli aan Tine]

[24 april 1868 Brief van De Geyter aan d'Ablaing]

[24 april 1868 L.A. te Winkel overlijdt]

[25 april 1868 Van den Rijn (XIX)]

[25 april 1868 Het zwarte boek IV in de Sneeker Courant]

[28 april 1868 Begroting van Buitenlandse Zaken verworpen]

[29 april 1868 Van den Rijn (XX)]

Biografische aantekeningen

[1 april 1868
Beoordeling in The Contemporary Review]

1 april 1868

The Contemporary Review (London, Strahan & Co.) publiceert een ongesigneerde bespreking van de Max-Havelaarvertaling. (K.B. 's-Gravenhage; fotokopie M.M.)

Het artikel is opgenomen in de zesde rubriek: Notices of Books, en staat op blz. 615-618.

Max Havelaar: or, The Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company. By Multatuli. Translated from the original manuscript by Baron Alphonse Nahuijs. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas. 1868.

This is a remarkable book. Yet it is one which it is very hard for a foreign critic to judge of fairly. The translator tells us in his preface that it was ‘published a few years ago, and caused such a sensation in Holland as was never before experienced in that country.’ He compares it to ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin,’ but sets the author - Eduard Douwes Dekker, formerly Assistant-Resident of the Dutch Government in Java - far above Mrs. Stowe, as having ‘sacrificed future fortune, and all that makes life agreeable, for a principle - for right and equity.’ It is ‘immortal;’ it will ‘do honour to the literature of any language;’ it has been ‘written by a genius of that order which only appears at long intervals in the world's history.’ But distance is a dispassionate arbiter, and looked at from across he sea, the first impression which ‘Max Havelaar’ produces is that of an attempt to blend in one a political pamphlet, a novel, and a collection of thoughts and opinions on things in general, which has spoilt all three. The pamphlet is high-toned and sincere, but is deprived of weight by the form adopted; the novel shows power, but loses interest through the intermixture of extraneous elements; the thoughts and opinions are often striking, but out of place. But after coming to such conclusions one feels that they are but platitudes, when the author, dismissing his personages with contempt, tells us that he will make no excuses for the form of his book; that he has simply written it to be read; that read he will be by statesmen, by men of letters, by merchants, by lady's-maids, by governors-general in retirement, by ministers, ‘by the lackeys of these excellencies, by mutes - who more majorum will say that I attack God Almighty where I attack only the god which they have made according to their own image - by the members of the representative chambers;’ that ‘the greater the disapprobation of my book the better I shall be pleased, for the chance of being heard will be so much the greater;’ - when he threatens to translate his book into all European languages, till in every capital the refrain shall be heard, ‘There is a band of robbers between Germany and the Scheldt;’ if this fails, to translate it again into Malay, Javanese, &c., and sharpen scimitars and sabres by warlike songs, so as to give ‘delivery and help, lawfully if possible, lawfully with violence if need be - and that would be very pernicious to the coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company!’ Clearly, a man like this must be followed upon his own ground, measured by his own standard. Though he may be only a Dutch-built leviathan, still he is of the breed; there is no putting ‘an hook into his nose,’ or boring ‘his jaw through with a thorn;’ no playing with him ‘as with a bird,’ nor binding him for our maidens.

The only true way of judging the book, then, is not to view it as a book, but to look upon both book and man as facts - very surprising and portentous facts, it would seem, to the Dutch nation, and surprising, too, to some other nations also. For it had gone forth to the whole world that the Dutch Government of Java of late years was a great success - anomalous indeed, in some respects, according to political economy, since it rested upon monopoly and regulated cultivation, but undeniable, unmistakable. To the Dutchman himself this was a tenet of positive faith, which he drank down afresh with every cupful of his Java coffee, which he saw confirmed day after day at the auctions of his great Handelsmaatschappy, or Trading Com-pany, in which his king was known to be a leading shareholder. Foreign visitors confirmed these conclusions, English above all - amongst whom it will be sufficient to name Mr. Money, whose ‘Java’ is little more than a panegyric on Dutch, as compared with British, India.

In the midst of this state of things a book like ‘Max Havelaar’ would explode like a shell. Here was a man, speaking from seventeen years' official experience, who declared that the profit of the Trading Company ‘was only obtained by paying the Javanese just enough to keep him from starving’; that he was ‘driven away from his ricefields’ in order to cultivate other products which the Government compelled him to grow, and compelled him to sell to itself, at the price it fixed for itself; that famine was often the consequence, by which sometimes ‘whole districts were depopulated, mothers offered to sell their children for food, mothers ate their own children’ - as in our own Orissa, alas! - that labour was habitually exated without payment both by native and European officials, cattle and produce taken away by robbery and extortion; that ‘endless expeditions’ were sent, and ‘heroic deeds performed, against poor miserable creatures... reduced by starvation to skeletons... whose ill-treatment has driven them to revolt;’ that European officials connived at wrongdoing, or were silent about it where they did not participate in it, knowing that an upright discharge of their duties would only bring on them reproof, disgrace, or ruin; that the official reports of the functionaries to the island Government, and those from the island to the mother country, were ‘for the greater and more important part untrue,’ the financial accounts ridiculously false; that a ‘mild and submissive’ population ‘has complained year after year of tyranny’, yet sees resident after resident depart without anything being ever done towards the redress of its grievances; that ‘the end of all this’ would be a ‘Jacquerie.’

The news in itself was startling, and the mode of delivering it was of a nature to make it more so. For a more stinging satire of the lower propensities of the Dutch character could hardly be conceived than that embodied in the Amsterdam coffee-broker, Batavus Drystubble, the supposed author of the work, the contrast between whom and the chivalrous, unworldly Havelaar is most powerfully brought out, though by very inartistic means. Overdone as the pic-ture is, Batavus Drystubble certainly stands out as one of the most remarkable embodiments of money-grubbing Phariseeism which literature has yet produced; and this, although the first sketch of the personage is far from consistent with his fuller portrait, - giving a curious instance, in fact, of the way in which a character may grow into life and truth in the author's own mind, if only steadily looked at. Nothing can be better hit off than Drystubble's firm rich man's faith that a poor man must be a scoundrel:-

‘Mark that Shawlman. He left the ways of the Lord; now he is poor, and lives in a little garret: that is the consequence of immorality and bad conduct. He does not now know what time it is, and his little boy wears knee breeches.’

The naïf selfishness of this is equally masterly:-

‘Why do they want buffaloes, those black fellows? I never had a buffalo, and yet I am contented; there are men who are always complaining. And as regards that scoffing at forced labour, I perceive that he had not heard that sermon of Domine Wawelaar's, otherwise he would know how useful labour is in the extension of the kingdom of God. It is true he is a Lutheran.’

Add this touch also to the last:-

I did not speak to him of the Lord, because he is a Lutheran; but I worked on his mind and his honour.’

This again is terrible:-

‘Wawelaar himself has said that God so directs all things that orthodoxy leads to wealth. “Look only,” he said, “is there not much wealth in Holland? That is because of the faith. Is there not in France every day murder and homicide? That is becouse there are Roman Catholics there. Are not the Javanese poor? They are Pagans. The more the Dutch have to do with the Javanese the more wealth will be here and the more poverty there.” I am astonished at Wawelaar's penetration; for it is the truth that I, who am exact in religion, see that my business increases every year, and Busselinck and Waterman, who do not care about God or the Commandments, will remain bunglers as long as they live. The Rosemeyers, too, who trade in sugar, and have a Roman Catholic maid-servant, had a short time ago to accept 27 per cent. out of the estate of a Jew who became bankrupt. The more I reflect the further I advance in tracing the unspeakable ways of God. Lately it appeared that thirty millions had been gained thereby, and others who live by this business. Is not that as if the Lord said, - “Here you have thirty millions as a reward for your faith?” Is not that the finger of God who causes the wicked one to labour to preserve the righteous one? Is not that a hint for us to go on in the right way, and to cause those far away to produce much, and to stand fast here to the true religion? Is it not, therefore, “Pray and labour,” that we should pray and have the work done by those who do not know the Lord's Prayer? Oh, how truly Wawelaar speaks when he calls the yoke of God light! How easy the burthen is to every one who believes! I am only a few years past forty, and can retire when I please to Driebergen, and see how it ends with others who forsake the Lord.

Thackeray himself could not have surpassed this scathing page. It is immortal, come what may to the book which contains it.

Max Havelaar himself, though the conception of his character is a subtle one, and is on the whole well brought out - at once dreamy and practical, lavish and self-stinting, indulgent and rigid, irregular in his impulses, and yet bent on enforcing order - is of far less worth artistically than the coffee-broker, and there is a constant tendency to rhetorical self-assertion about him which one fears is characteristic of the writer himself. The plot is really too slight to be worth analyzing in detail; suffice it to say that Havelaar is an Assistant-Resident in Java, intent on doing justice, and who thereby only brings disgrace upon himself. More than one such tale might be told from the records of British India; and it is indeed remarkable that the worst excesses which the book complains of are laid to the charge of the native officials, although the burden of the vicious system of government, with which the tolerance of their malpractices seems almost irretrievably bound up, lies of course with the European rulers.

Havelaar's random opinions, de omnibus rebus, are often full of quaint power and humour; as when he complains of guide-book measurements which require you to have so many ‘feet of admiration at hand not to be taken for a Turk or a bagman,’ or inveighs against cataracts because they tell him nothing:-

‘They make a noise, but don't speak. They cry, “rroo,” “rroo,” “rroo.” Try crying, “rroo, rroo,” for six thousand years or more, and you will see how few persons will think you an amusing man.’ A full idea of the book cannot, however, be given without a sample of its pathos. Here is a perfectly exquisite piece of metreless poetry, which, if not translated from the Javanese, but the work of Mr. Douwes Dekker himself, is simply a nineteenth-century miracle:-

‘I do not know when I shall die.

I saw the great sea on the south coast

When I was there with my father making salt. [*] An offence in Java, as in British India, salt being a Government monopoly.

If I die at sea and my body is thrown into the

deep water, then sharks will come;

They will swim round my corpse, and ask, “Which of

us shall devour the body that goes down into the water?”

- I shall not hear it.

I do not know where I shall die.

I saw in a blaze the house of Pa-ansoe, which he

himself has set on fire, because he was mata glap; [†] In a state of frenzy.

If I die in a burning house, glowing embers

wil fall on my corpse;

And outside of the house there will be many cries of

men throwing water on the fire to kill it.

- I shall not hear it.

I do not know where I shall die.

I saw the little Si-Oenah fall out of a klappa-tree,

When he plucked a klappa [cocoa-nut] for his mother;

If I fall out of a klappa-tree I shall lie dead

below in the shrubs like Si-Oenah.

Then my mother will not weep, for she is dead, But

others will say with a loud voice, “See, there lies Saidjah.”

- I shall not hear it.

I do not know where I shall die.

I have seen the corpse of Palisoe, who died of

old age, for his hairs were white:

If I die of old age, with white hairs,

hired women will stand weeping near my corpse,

And they will make lamentation, as did the mourners over

Palisoe's corpse, and the grandchildren will weep, very


- I shall not hear it.

I do not know where I shall die.

I have seen at Badoer many that were dead. They

were dressed in white shrouds, and were buried in the


If I die at Badoer, and am buried beyond the dessah [village],

eastward against the hill, where the grass is high,

Then will Adinda pass by there, and the border of

her sarong will sweep softly along the grass.

- I shall hear it.’

Will not any gentlemen or ladies with volumes of poems ready, or preparing, or accumulating for publication, after reading the above, oblige their contemporaries and posterity by throwing their manuscripts into the fire?

There remains to be added that Mr. Douwes Dekker has, the preface tells us, in vain challenged a refutation of his charges - e.g., at the International Congress for the Promotion of Social Science at Amsterdam in 1863 - and that he has been declared to have understated rather than overstated the truth. One word must finally be said in favour of Baron Nahuijs's translation, the English of which might put to the blush many of our professed translators.

To conclude. Many English readers may, perhaps, hardly have patience to read through ‘Max Havelaar;’ but few that do will deem their time misspent.